Possession (Taipei: Chiu Ko Publishing House, 2011)
One’s downfall is caused by one’s persistent belief in either the god worship or spiritual possession. Who can tell the truth? Who can tell the difference between god and devil? An island like Taiwan was ruled by Netherlands, Qing empire, Japan and KMT government for the past hundreds years, and the island went through a process of being possessed in each reign and was possessed again and again, covered with scars and marks of trauma. Aren’t the islanders, from generation to generation, in some respects also going through the process of being possessed? Both the people and the island have being repeatedly possessed, so what could they depend on? Li Ang explored the idea of life and death; romantic love and family love in an extremely unconventional way.
--Translated from 九歌文學網 by Min-min Liang
眾生的膜拜,或神或魔的依附,皆因執著而沉淪。誰又能辨誰是誰非,誰是神明、誰是魔障?而像台灣這樣的島嶼,百千年來歷經荷蘭、清帝國、日本、國民黨政府所統治,每一個統治,都像是一種附身,島嶼留下一再被附身的印記、傷痕……台灣島嶼形同被一再附身。而我們,歷經的生生世世,在某種意義上來說,不也是一種附身?被一再附身的我們,被一再附身的島嶼,什麼可以是依歸?李昂試探生命、死亡 ﹔愛情 、親情的另類極致!