Lost Garden

Lost Garden (Taipei: Hong Fan Publishing House, 1991)
(Taipei: Rye Field Publishing Co., 2006)

This is a story of Zhu Yinghong and how she, as a woman weighed down by a mysteriously bizarre family burden, restores the family reputation; it depicts a woman in a painful journey of confronting self-identity crisis while being placed under the impact of love, lust and gender power struggle. 
In writing the personal history of Zhu Yinghong and the family history of the Zhu family, The Maze Garden charts the modern history of Taiwan. In contrast to the modernity in metropolitan Taipei, the historical evolution of the Zhus’ living space serves as a key conducer linking the past, present and future, rendering the past memory and reality to appear in a repetitively continuous yet intermittent state.
---Quoted from Taiwan Literature Net

Misty Courtyard (Miyuan) is Li Ang’s first novel, divided into three parts, with two chapters on each individual part and two sections on each chapter. Misty Courtyard (Miyuan) deals with the issue of love between men and women in modern Taiwan society. The heroine in the story was born in a big family in Lukang, and the story takes place in an old garden named “Hanyuan” that lasts for more than two hundred years. After going through the period of Japanese colonial rule, the rule of KMT government after the war, the 228 Incidents, and then finally the new era of industrial and commercial society, the heroine makes a conclusion by saving “Hanyuan” with passion and obsession. Many memorable and implied meanings can be found in the novel; for example, the author combined the characters with historical incidents in Taiwan, and made two different story lines—self positioning of women and the reconstruction of Taiwan history interweaved. After reading this love story, the readers can deeply understand the history and cultural background in Taiwan.
---Quoted from Taiwan Literature Net

《迷園》凸顯了女性 觀點,但是,相較之下,女性位置、族群背景和台灣數百年被殖民經驗,在小說結構裡更有高度的互動關係。在《迷園》裡,兒時父親被捕失蹤的記憶,不僅成為女主角朱影紅一生不斷想要擺脫的夢魘,也不知不覺中影響到她的性別關係。在殖民高壓統治中,福佬女性往往眼見自己生命中有親密關係的男人(父親、丈夫、兒子、愛人)被象徵性去勢(邱貴芬1993),「重塑台灣男人的尊嚴」也因此往往不自覺地成為福佬女人擺脫歷史記憶負擔的手段,介入她性別關係的建構。朱影紅就是在背負這樣沈重的歷史記憶的包袱下,汲汲尋覓一個具有她想像中「男性氣概」的「台灣男人」。

---邱貴芬 ,〈女性的「鄉土想像」:台灣當代鄉土女性小說初探〉,收錄於《仲介台灣•女人》,

過去的一、二十年裡,李昂是一個備受爭議的作家,爭議的中心,幾乎都環繞著性及與之有關的道德問題。在她最早的一些作品,如花季裡的幾個短篇,有關人的存在的荒謬性、叛逆、性與潛意識等,還可以從台灣現代主義文學浪潮,從影響她的心理分析和存在主義,找到觀念上的依據,因此它們的尖銳、背理和暴力,可以在象徵的國度,得到認可。到了鄉土文學論戰前後,隨著她作品中的現實題材的介入,在一般的道德批評,以及以社會關懷為取向的意識形態批評的觀點下,問題已經由象徵或個人夢魘,落實到具體的社會意義的層次,她的許多作品,因此遭到批判以至於否定。但在女性主義運動和女性主義批評逐漸受到重視的現階段,情形似乎有些改觀。根據女性寫作的特質,性與權力結構,中心與邊陲,以至於身體政治(the politics of the body)等觀點,李昂的作品似乎找到了安身立命之所。雖然問題仍是問題,尖銳性也依舊存在,但一切似乎總算獲得了正當性。

--節選自 施淑《兩岸文學論集》,



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